The workshop “Experiments with antiproton beams" will be organized on October 1, 2014, at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) by the IHEP, MEPhI and FRRC. The meetings will take place in the Conference Hall of MEPhI (Moscow).
We invite you and your colleagues to participate in the Seminar.
Topics will include the following areas:
The seminar includes presentations by leading scientists.
We invite undergraduate and graduate students and professors from MEPI and other Russian universities to participate in the Seminar. The Seminar will be held on October 1 at 2pm. Deadline for submission of applications for participation in the Seminar is September 28, 2014.
Those who wishing to participate in the Seminar, please send before September 28, 2014 letter to the appropriate request to the seminar leader V. Mochalov (E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).