The official inauguration of Russian-German “FAIR-Russia Research Centre” took place in ITEP at June 20th, 2008.

Inauguration of FRRC was the important stage of Russian-German cooperation development in the field of nuclear science and technique which has fastened by Memorandum on common understanding between Federal Agency for Atomic Energy ("Rosatom") and Helmholtz Association.
The co-founders of this centre were from the Russian side – ITEP, from the German side - GSI, who signed the Agreement on the foundation of FRRC in 2007. The deputy general director SC "Rosatom" N.N.Spassky and the president of Helmholtz Association Prof. Jurgen Mlynek were presented at the inauguration ceremony.
This project is directed on the organization and support of mutually beneficial cooperation between the scientific groups which work above various aspects and directions of the project of creation and operation of the International accelerating center on research of heavy ions and antiprotons (FAIR - Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research), such as the accelerating physics and technologies, nuclear and astrophysics, physics of plasma, the nuclear physics, hadron physics, the applied physics, physics fast processes occuring in materials under influence of powerful laser impulses, information technologies, etc.
Cooperation of SC "Rosatom" and Helmholtz Association represents the big interest for Rosatom from the point of view of a professional training for young scientists and engineers, development of information technologies and the further active integration of Russia into world and European scientific and technological space.