FAIR is a new, unique international accelerator facility for the research with antiprotons and ions. It is ready to be built within the coming years near Darmstadt in Hesse, Germany. The major part of the budget will be provided by the Federal Republic of Germany, together with the State of Hesse. Other fractions will be funded by international partners from Europe and overseas.
The new facility, where various physics programs can be operated in parallel, will offer outstanding research opportunities and discovery potential for about 3000 scientists from about 50 countries. In the course of the coming decades the experiments will reveal consolidated findings about so far unknown states of matter and still missing information about the evolution of the Universe 13.8 billion years ago.
Be curious what will happen at FAIR and also convince yourself to which extent the physics at FAIR will promote the education and training of scientists and engineers from all over the world on a literally global scale.
Learn that FAIR is a synonym for maximum progress in global cutting-edge research activities in the coming decades.
FAIR Project's Web page
Russia in FAIR Project
Information materials
Experiment Program