FAIR Russia Research Center
(FSBI “SSC RF ITEP” of NRC “Kurchatov Institute”)
Jointly supported by
Helmholtz Association
National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
FSBI “SSC RF ITEP” of NRC “Kurchatov Institute” announces the Eighth Call for Applications among students, PhD students and young PhDs for 2017 (hereinafter – Contest), who work in FAIR-related research fields in educational and scientific institutions in the Russian Federation.
Contest is aimed to support the most talented and active students, PhD students and young PhDs as well as to increase their interest in carrying out research on FAIR science in Russian scientific institutions in comliance with the topics of the Contest.
Targed audience of the Contest will be Russian students, PhD students and young PhDs with high level of performance, interested in further work on FAIR science in Russian scientific institutions.
Conditions of participation
To participate in the Contest one must send to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. not later than 25 of August of 2016 the following documents:
1. Filled application form;
2. Recommendation letter via e-mail from a foreign represantative of a FAIR collaboration to confirm the interest in suggested research and development. All confirmations for applicants from the same collaboration are allowed to be summarized in one e-mail.
3. Consent to the proceeding of personal data in specific form.
The selection of proposals will be carried out by FRRC with the support of independent experts.
Requirements to applicants:
Master students for the FRRC fellowship must successfully complete 4-th year of one of the Russian higher education institutions. He/she must be recommended by a Russian supervisor.
PhD students must be already registered as studying for a candidate degree or applying for PhD student degree. He/she must be recommended by a Russian supervisor.
PhDs must be 35 years or less at the submission deadline, must be working on a scientific position in one of the scientific institutions and must have at least 5 publications.
Only citizens and permanent residents of the Russian Federation are allowed to participate in the Contest.
Financing will be provided in case of successful work during the year in the form of money reward and reimbursement of expenses for business trips (joint research work abroad, participation in conferences, seminars and meetings related to the topic of the project) in amount of:
- up to 464 550,00 RUR per year for master students;
- up to 609 900,00 RUR per year for PhD students;
- up to 763 800, 00 RUR per year for young PhDs.
*Financial support will be only provided in case of successful procurement of funds for this Contest by FRRC