Третий Конкурс (2011-2012)

19 сентября 2011 года состоялось заседание Управляющего Совета ИЦФР, в ходе которого был определен список стипендиатов Третьего Конкурса

Победившие проекты кандидатов наук:
  1. Study of strong interactions and hadronic matter in experiments using antiproton beam of unprecedented intensity and quality with momentum up to 15 GeV/c provided by the new GSI facility FAIR – Барабанов Михаил - (PANDA, ОИЯИ)
  2. Design and Integration of the CBM experiment – Белогуров Сергей - (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  3. Development of new algorithms for numerical simulations of QCD at realistic physical parameters – Буйвидович Павел - (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  4. Theoretical prerequisites for high-precision atomic experiments at HITRAP - Глазов Дмитрий (SPARC, СПбГУ)
  5. Theoretical studies of the drip-line nuclei: structure, correlations in reactions and decays, astrophysical applications - Григоренко Леонид (NUSTAR, ОИЯИ)
  6. Development of experimental targets for shock-driven HEDM experiments at PRIOR-Proton Microscope for FAIR – Колесников Сергей - (HEDgeHOB, ИПХФ РАН )
  7. Charge-transfer processes in collisions of bare and H-like ions with neutral atoms - Кожедуб Юрий (SPARK, СПбГУ)
  8. Monte-Carlo investigation of PANDA feasibility to measure the electromagnetic form factor in the time-like domain in reaction - Морозов Дмитрий (PANDA, ИФВЭ)
  9. Development of the CBM calorimeter software: calorimeter in the CBM light option (for SIS 100) - Прокудин Михаил (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  10. Experimental equipment for investigation of extreme states of matter - Шилкин Николай (HEDgeHOB, ИПХФ РАН)
  11. Research and development on SC magnet technologies, cryogenic tests of superconducting dipole and quadrupole magnets for SIS100. Research and Development of the stochastic cooling system and HV electron cooling system prototypes for HESR - Трубников Григорий (Accelerators, ОИЯИ)
  12. Research and development of the controlled mirror mount system for RICH CBM detector – Взнуздаев Марат - (CBM, ПИЯФ РАН)

Победившие проекты аспирантов:
  1. High energy particles in laser-plasma interactions as a secondary bright sources for diagnostics of WDM generated by heavy ion beams – Баранов Виктор - (HEDgeHOB, ИТЭС ОИВТ РАН)
  2. R&D of microchannel plate PMT for DIRC detectors of PANDA - Барняков Михаил (PANDA, ИЯФ им. Будкера)
  3. Design of quadrupole magnet for CR - Беркаев Дмитрий (Accelerators, ИЯФ им. Будкера)
  4. Observation of the electric dipole moment of the electron in hydrogen-like highly-charged ions in storage rings - Бондаревская Анастасия (SPARC, СПбГУ)
  5. Design justification of the CBM  beampipe and start version layouts of the STS and the ECAL  for CBM experiment - Черногоров Андрей (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  6. Theoretical studies of structure and reaction mechanism for the drip-line nuclei and development of MC codes for study of reactions with few fragments in the final state – Егорова Ирина  (NUSTAR, ОИЯИ)
  7. Planar Si detectors in Super-FRS beam monitoring and ELISE in-ring instrumentation -Горшков Александр  (NUSTAR, ОИЯИ)
  8. RND for radiation resistant quadrupoles and sextupole for SFRS – Гуров Денис - (SFRS/SIS300, ИЯФ им. Будкера)
  9. Integrated data acquisition and control system for proton microscope at FAIR - Канцырев Алексей - (HEDgeHOB, ИТЭФ)
  10. Research and development of low loss superconducting NbTi wire for FAIR magnets - Карасев Юрий (SIS-100, ВНИИНМ им. Бочвара)
  11. R&D for R3B/EXL gamma-spectrometers, ELISE in-ring instrumentation - Крупко Сергей (NUSTAR, ОИЯИ)
  12. Implementation and feasibility studies of the sector geometry concept for the MUCH detector in the CBM experiment – Крышень Евгений - (CBM, ПИЯФ)
  13. Longitudinal beam dynamics in the CR - Левичев Алексей (Accelerators, ИЯФ им. Будкера)
  14. R&D for dose-field measurement system in radiobiological experiments and irradiation of the different biological targets at ITEP-TWAC facility – Марков Николай - (BIOMAT, ИТЭФ)
  15. Parity nonconservation effects in heavy He-like ions – Майорова Анна - (SPARC, СПбГУ)
  16. Ion optical simulations of the system for the trap-assisted spectroscopy – Нестеренко Дмитрий - (NuSTAR, СПбГУ)
  17. Optimization of structures and data processing algorithms for IPMs (ionization profile monitor) and BPMs(beam position monitor) – Орлов Андрей - (Beam diagnostic GSI, ИТЭФ)
  18. Improvement of the p-bar transfer line from the separator to CR to increase the p-bar production efficiency - Шатунов Петр (Accelerators, ИЯФ им. Будкера)
  19. А preamplifier for CBM MUCH – Шумихин Виталий- (CBM, НИЯУ МИФИ)
  20. Dynamic Aperture improvement in all ion-optical modes of Collector Ring (CR) - Шварц Дмитрий (Accelerators, ИЯФ им. Будкера)
  21. Research and development of a RF multi-cell deflector (wobbler) for LAPLAS experiment - Ситников Алексей (HEDgeHOB, ИТЭФ)
  22. Study of nucleon structure by processes with direct photons and leptons pairs production - Скачкова Анна (PANDA, ОИЯИ)

Победившие проекты студентов:
  1. Ionization probabilities in low-energy heavy-ion collisions – Бондарев Алексей - (SPARC, СПбГУ)
  2. Development of a numerical model of energy and momentum transfer from the exited electronic subsystem to the ionic one in tracks of swift heavy ions decelerated in the electronic stopping regime – Горбунов Сергей - (HEDgeHOB, НИЦ “Курчатовский Институт”)
  3. Chiral hydrodynamics in effective field theory approach – Кирилин Владимир - (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  4. First-principle calculation of transport and optical properties of dense metallic plasma created by ion and laser beams – Князев Дмитрий - (HEDgeHOB, ОИВТ РАН)
  5. Development of CATIA-VMC geometry builder and its application for CBM and NUSTAR MC geometry update - Овчаренко Егор (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  6. Chiral hydrodynamics in effective field theory approach – Садофьев Андрей - (CBM, ИТЭФ)
  7. Determination of the nuclear charge radii from the isotope shifts in dielectronic recombination resonance spectra at heavy ion storage ring – Зубова Наталья - (SPARC, СПбГУ)
  8. Search for the parity violation effects with doubly-excited states in heavy Li- and Be-like ions –Зайцев Владимир - (SPARC, СПбГУ)

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Александр Фертман