Third Joint International Helmholz-Rosatom FAIR School took place 6-13 October at Crete, Greece. The School was organized by FAIR-Russia Research Centre and Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research for FAIR.
Graduate students, FRRC PhD students, students from HGS-HIRe partner institutions and PhD students from India and Poland participated in School. Leading Russian and foreign scientists gave talks and presentations on FAIR physics: Accelerators, APPA, CBM, NuSTAR, PANDA. Each day of the School was devoted to the particular FAIR physics field – that made it possible to make the School program intense and interesting for listeners.
Active discussions during the lecture showed deep interest of participants in FAIR science. To give the participants opportunity for further discussions the organizers of the School formed working groups and gave questions and tasks on FAIR physics. Group work was organized in the second half of the day and was aimed to strengthen international and cross-institutional communication as well as to exchange experience between students. In the evening all unsolved during group work questions were discussed in details.