
The webcam shows the FAIR construction site from top of the Target Hall located in the east of the GSI premises (updating every 15 minutes).

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Status of ITEP supercomputer
Date March 2017

CPU Time

27878 days








Two-day course on scientific presentations

Two-day course on scientific presentations was given on the 28 – 29 April by Dr. Sascha Vogel from HGS-HIRe in the scope of FRRC. The course took place was held at the Department of Quantum Mechanics of the Physics faculty at Saint-Petersburg State University.

Sascha Vogel gave lectures on different isues of preparing presentations and presenting them to audience. The seminar consistet of several 10-minute presentations given by participants – they were recorded and then discussed. At the second day all participants gave presentations again with the mistakes corrected. In addidition it was proposed to do various exercises like:

- elevator pitch: 30-seconds speech about the speakers work aimed to make listeners interested,

- naked presentation: short talk without slides on random topic.

The listeners were master studentds, PhD students and PhDs of the Department of Quantum Mechanics – 8 people in total, whose are involved into FAIR activities. They all are or were previously FRRC fellows.