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The joint IHEP-MEPhI-FRRC seminar "Preparation of the experiments with antiproton beams" was held on November, 28 at IHEP, Protvino. The main objective of the workshop was to acquaint professors, PhD and under graduate students from MEPhI with preparation and carrying out of the experiments, especially preparation of the PANDA experiment at FAIR to study the properties of matter with antiproton beams.
About ten IHEP scientists and 15 faculty, and students of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute attended the Seminar.
Nikolai Prokopenko Scientific secretary of IHEP told shortly about the history and main directions of study.
Arkadiy Yermolaev, chief of the branch at the accelerator complex U-70 told about the basic principles of particle acceleration, methods of focusing and acceleration of the beam as well as the methods of beam extraction. He also presented the methods of control and management of the beams of charged particles to MEPhI students.
Yury Antipov told about the methods of acceleration of the ions, which will be also implemented in the FAIR project, briefly stopped on the physical processes with ions. He also spoke about the possible use of ions for medicine.
Sergey Chernichenko introduced to the methods of production of the calorimeters manufactured at IHEP for the PANDA experiment at FAIR. IHEP staff members presented the methods of the gamma-quanta registration in modern particle physics.
Rinat Fahrutdinov told about the creation of large tracking detectors at IHEP. Central tracking detectors of the experiment PANDA will be created from such type of detectors. IHEP staff members also presented the basic principles of registration of charged particles in modern experiments.
Finally the students were acquainted with the actual current experimental setup to be prepared for research of the matter with the use of the antiproton beam.
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