The Fifth International FAIR School took place on 03-10 of September 2017 in Castiglione-della-Pescaia, Italy. The School was jointly organized by FAIR-Russia Research Center and Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research (HGS-HIRe for FAIR).
More than 50 people participated in the activities of the School: PhDs from FRRC, students from HGS-HIRe partner institutions, PhDs from India and Poland. World leading scientists gave lectures on FAIR’s collaborations research: accelerators, APPA, CBM, NUSTAR, PANDA. Each day of the School was devoted to a particular research field, what allowed the lecturers fully present all FAIR research fields to the listeners.
School included lectures and group work. In the first half of each day participants attended lectures after which they were given topical tasks and were divided into randomly formed groups for working on those tasks. Second half of the day was occupied by the meeting, at which participants discussed the tasks with lecturers. Group work helped to strengthen international and cross-institutional communication as well as to exchange experience.
The School was successful. Due to the experience of the previous Schools and the familiar place, the organizers corrected minor issues in the format of the School and made it fully packed and useful regarding the information presented by lecturers and gained experience and establishing new contacts between its participants.